Sundial is an open-source cron job monitoring and management system that provides job execution data and alerts, centralized error logs, and the ability to perform CRUD operations on jobs in crontabs across one or multiple nodes.

For the developer, Sundial eliminates the silently failing cron jobs, the dreaded emailed error logs, and the need to type anything in your built in text editor.

Built on Node.js using Express, React, pg-boss, and backed by a PostgreSQL db.

Ease of deployment provided by Docker and pkg - much thanks!


Southern Marsh Promotion

An e-commerce site that I was contracted to debug and refactor to follow an Object Oriented paradigm.

Ruby, Shopify

Inquiry Hub

A debugging application that receives and displays webhooks in real-time.

React, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Digital Ocean, NGINX, PM2.

Task manager screenshot

Task Manager

Streamlined task management application, sorted by date.

Node, Javascript, Express, SQLite